
When Reading A Play, The Reader Has To Imagine The

Pre-intermediate (Lesson 10)

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Warm up!

Tell what Mike was doing yesterday at this time. Use the prompts.

1)  at 6 a.m.

2)  between 6.30 – 7.30 a.m.

3)  at 7.30 a.m.

4)  at 8.30 a.m.

5)  from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.

6)  the whole evening

Grammar Practice.

A) Put the verbs from the brackets into the Past Continuous Tense.

1) What  you  yesterday at 10.20 p.m. (to do)
— I  chess with my brother (to play).
2) When I first met him he  art (to study).
3) Who  you  to on the phone as I came in? (talk)
— I  to Mr. Smith (talk).
4) I went into the garden to see what the boys  (do).
5) The traffic made so much noise that I couldn't hear what he  (say).
6) While he  to drive he had twenty-five accidents (learn).
7) John got off the train while it  (go).

B) Use either Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1) Robert  (type) the letter at 8 p. m. yesterday
2) Louis fell asleep while he  (study).
3) Lydia was drinking a glass of coke when Peter  (come) in.
4) The dog  (chase) Michael.
5) Mrs. Parker  (make) some muffins 2 days ago.
6) Joe  (run) when his wife phoned.

C) Put the verbs either into the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1) My friend  (come) to see me yesterday.
2) As he  (cross) the road, he slipped and fell.
3) My tooth  (break) when I  (eat) a nut.
4) I  (have) a bath when the phone rang.
5) He  (come) in while I  (work).
6) When I  (talk) she  (interrupt) me.
7) I  (forget) to wind the clock last night.
8) As she  (listen) to the radio she couldn't understand my question.
9) I  (notice) him as he  (come) in.
10) At six o'clock yesterday I  (wait) for you near the cinema.
11) When I  (come) in, the cat  (sleep) in my armchair.
12) I  (know) him quite well when I was young.
13) We  (walk) to the station when it  (begin) to rain.
14) When the mother  (come) in, the children  (play).
15) While he  (read) a book the telephone  (ring), as he  (go) to answer the call, he  (hear) a knock at the door, the telephone still  (ring) while he  (walk) to the door, but just as he  (open) it, it  (stop).


In what words from the list "w" isn't pronounced?

whowhichwhathowwhere why when whose

Now listen to the record and practice your pronunciation

Vocabulary Study.

Pay attention to this information.

A lot of English words are formed by adding suffixes. They are usually used to create different parts of speech. Look at this chart:

NOUNS: -ation   -ion   -ness   -ity   -ence   -sion   -ment

ADJECTIVES:  -ous  -y   -tific   -ly   -ful   -less   -ial

Examples: happy -> happiness
                     cheer -> cheerful

Vocabulary Practice.

A) Complete the charts below and pay attention to the stress. Mind spelling changes.

Noun   <->  Verb

  1.  communication  —  communicate
  2.   — discuss
  3.  invitation —
  4.  — develop
  5.   — explain
  6.  education —
  7.  — decide
  8.  — enjoy
  9.  — organize
  10.  improvement —
  11.  — employ

    Noun   <->Adjective

  1.  science — 
  2. friend — 
  3.  — happy
  4.  — different
  5. danger —  
  6. use — 
  7. help — 
  8. care — 
  9. noise — 
  10. industry — 
  11. ambition — 

B) Complete the sentences with one of the word from the previous task.

1) My English   a lot after I lived in London for a month.
2) I have two   in life. I want to be rich and I want to be famous.
3) 'I'm going to work hard from now.' 'That's a very good   .
4) There are many   between my two children. They aren't similar at all.
5) Thank you for your advice. It was very   .
6) I like Italian people. They're very kind and   .
7) The United Nations is an international   .
8) I asked the teacher for help, but unfortunately, I didn't understand his   .
9) Motor racing is a very   sport.
10) This is the   part of my town. There are lots of factories and businesses.


You are going to read the text about John Lennon's most famous song 'Imagine'. Check if you know these words.

1) imagine —  
2) to vote —  
3) hope —  
4) to murder —  
5) inspiration —  
6) to admit —  
7) to deserve credit —  
8) a sign —  

Reading and Speaking.

A) Read the article.

Who wrote «Imagine»?

«Imagine», John Lennon`s most famous song, was recently voted «Britain`s favourite song of all times». It`s an idealistic song about peace and the hope for a better world. «Imagine all the people living life in peace». The song was a big hit in 1971, and again in 1980 when Lennon was murdered in New York. It became a hit for a third time after the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001.

But who really wrote the song? Until recently the answer to this question was always John Lennon. But on a TV programme this week Lennon`s wife, Yoko Ono, spoke for the first time about how she, in fact, helped to write the song.
Ono said that the idea and inspiration for «Imagine» came from some of her poems that John Lennon was reading at that time. The poems began with the word «Imagine»: «Imagine a raindrop, Imagine a goldfish». Ono said, «When I was a child in Japan during the Second World War my brother and I were terribly hungry. I imagined delicious menus for him and he began to smile. If you think something is impossible, you can imagine it and make it happen»

In an interview just before he died, Lennon admitted that Yoko deserved credit for «Imagine». He said , «A lot of it — the lyrics and the concept — came from her, from her book of poems, imagine this, imagine that. » Lennon said that he was «too macho» to share the credit with her at that time.

Ono said that some part of the song was written when they were flying across the Atlantic and the rest was written on the piano in their bedroom at their home in England. Ono said, «The song speaks about John`s dream for the world. It was something he really wanted to say. «Imagine» became a popular song for peace activists everywhere.

In March 2002 the airport in his home town of Liverpool was re-named «John Lennon Airport». A sign above the main entrance has a line from «Imagine»: «Above us only sky».

B) Check if the sentences are correct.

1)»Imagine» was a hit three times.
2) Yoko Ono helped to write «Imagine».
3) Ono wrote poems for John Lennon.
4) Lennon never said that Yoko helped him with the song.
5) «Imagine» was written in two places.
6) John Lennon opened the new Liverpool Airport.

C) Answer these questions:

Do you know "Imagine"?
What English and American singers do you listen to?
What's your favorite English song?
What kind of music do you like listening to?

Vocabulary Study.

These words are from the song. Match them with their definitions. Put A-J into the gaps.

A) religion
B) heaven
C) hell
D) hunger
E) peace
F) possessions
G) brotherhood
H) greed
I) dreamer
J) sky

Things that are yours, which belong to you.
 The place where some religions believe that good people go when they die.
A feeling of community and great friendship between people.
A person who dreams.
Wanting more than you need.
The place where some religions believe that bad people go when they die.
The place where you can see the sun, moon and stars.
The noun from hungry.
The opposite of war.
For example, Christianity, Hinduism,Islam etc.


Listen to the song and fill the blanks with the words from ex. 8.

Imagine there`s no  
It`s easy if you try,
No   below us,
Above us only  
Imagine all the people
Living for today.

Imagine there`s no countries,
It isn`t hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
And no   too,
Imagine all the people
living life in   .

You may say I`m a   ,
But I`m not the only one,
I hope some day you`ll join us,
And the world will be as one.

Imagine no  
I wonder if you can,
No need for   or  
A   of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world.

You may say I`m a  
But I`m not the only one,
I hope some day you`ll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Choose the correct verb form.

1) I saw / was seeing a very good programme on TV last night.

2) While I shopped / was shopping this morning, I lost /was losing my money. I don't know how.

3) Last week the police stopped / were stopping Alan in his car because he drove / was driving at over eighty miles an hour.

4) How did you cut / were cutting your finger?

5) I cooked / was cooking and dropped / was dropping the knife.

6) When I arrived / was arriving at the party, everyone had / was having a good time.

7) Did you have / Were you having a good time last night?


When Reading A Play, The Reader Has To Imagine The


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