
How Do Camera Gimbals Work

If you're an aspiring videographer, or even cinematographer, you've probably used a gimbal. But if you lot haven't…how come up? They'll make your shooting life a whole lot easier. And they're pretty fun to use. So, what is a gimbal? And how can y'all employ them to brand your shots just a fleck better? Permit'south find out.

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Define Gimbal

How does a gimbal work?

When shooting moving subjects, stability and range of motion is disquisitional to nailing the shot. That's where a gimbal comes in.

Allow's define it in terms of its mechanics so we'll see how to apply one to become great shots.


What is a gimbal?

Agimbal is a pivoting support that allows you to rotate an object along a unmarried axis. A common 3 axis gimbal allows a photographic camera mounted on it to be independent of the movement of the one holding the gimbal. These three axes are identified as pitch, yaw, and scroll.

Thepitch centrality (i.due east., tilt) refers to the up and downward move of a subject. A skillful example of when to work with the tilt, is when you're trying to capture objects falling down, or a subject coming down the stairs.

Theyaw axis (i.e., pan) refers to left to right motion, and can be used to capture objects moving horizontally.

And theroll axis (i.e., dutch bending) allows for capturing objects with off-center or unleveled angles.

These 3 axis gimbals ensure that a camera's motion is stabilized regardless of the motility, which is why they're great for videographers.


  • They are a blazon of stabilizer.
  • Handheld Stabilizers: Avoid the employ of a vest or 3-axis gimbal. Less expensive, relies on a smoothen operation.
  • iii-Centrality Gimbals: Comprise a set of rotating gimbals. Electronic and rely on battery and charge time.

Here'south what the bones system of pitch, yaw, and roll looks like with a mounted camera. Using our common understanding of tilt, pan, and curlicue, yous can come across just how versatile they can be when adjusting shot angles.

What is a Gimbal - 3 Axis Gimbal - Image

Gimbal on a mounted camera

The good thing about them is that they're fairly lightweight compared to major motion picture show stabilizers. They'll demand less of you and actually help with basic photographic camera shake. Read more on the best gimbal stabilizers.

Nosotros've answered the question: "What is a gimbal?" Only that's just the commencement. In the next section, we'll get over some bones operating strategies that will make this your new favorite piece of equipment.

Actress TIPS

Operating a gimbal

Now that we've defined what a gimbal is, here are some quick tips on getting the most out of them. Using one provides a lot versatility in the quality and types of shots possible. When you know the advantages, you'll be fix to maximize this particular piece of equipment.


Make sure tobalance your gimbal, otherwise you'll be dealing with unnecessary shake. Scout the how-to video below.

How to balance your gimbal

Balancing is a necessary step. Simply one time you've done that, you'll be able to capture smooth and dynamic shots with ease. Now, that you lot're ready to shoot, hither are a couple strategies to proceed in mind to create the about slick and professional looking shots on the cheap.


The video beneath talks about how to create quality gimbal shots. For such a uncomplicated piece of equipment, watch how uncomplicated tricks similar using the foreground can brand your images pop.

Larn a few more than techniques


Here'south a quick tip. In your shot list, make sure your shots have something interesting in the foreground of the shot. It volition actually emphasize the camera's movement. If you lot motility information technology effectually empty space, you'll miss the opportunity to utilize the gimbal'southward potential.

Now, if you're moving it around a subject continuing still, the viewer is more interested in what you lot're showing them, because they run across them in relation to the groundwork. It'southward easier to run into the sleek motion gimbals create when there'due south something to look at.


Also, when using 1, don't be scared to become up close and personal. That's the uniqueness of this equipment — you lot can capture tight moving shots. Become low to the ground and follow a person walking down the street. Try out dissimilar angles.

Now that you know what kinds of shots y'all tin can get using a gimbal, you can showtime shot listing.


Programme your shots

You don't have time to waste product so always programme out your shots. Shot lists are your shooting blueprints. And with modernistic software, it really doesn't accept also much of your time.

Even though the gimbal is uncomplicated plenty mechanism, make sure you schedule your shots appropriately. I tip is to shoot all your gimbal shots together to avoid wasting time mounting and un-mounting the photographic camera between shots.

In our shot list below, nosotros've thrown in a scene from Wonder Woman, to show how easy information technology easy to program your shots in StudioBinder.

View the shot listing

In this mail, nosotros provided a definition, illustrated the nuts of how this equipment works, and even included a couple tips for how to maximize their benefits.

Now it's up to you to go out there and shoot some dynamic and make clean gimbal shots. They will add a level of professionalism to your project without breaking the bank.

Up Next

Best gimbals and stabilizers

Now that yous have more of an understanding of what a gimbal is, it's fourth dimension to choice which i is best for you. The next mail lists a ton of camera stabilizers and gimbals to assist you choose the all-time 1 for your projection.

Up Next: Best video camera stabilizers →


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