
Which Camera Should I Buy

Westith and so many types of cameras on the market, information technology's hard to know which is the best video camera for your shoot.

While festivals like Sundance are inundated with professional digital cameras similar the ARRI Alexa and Blood-red Weapon Helium 8k, it'south important to know that filmmakers tin can become professional quality results without the enormous price tag those cameras bring.

Asking yourself "what camera should I buy?" and scouring the cyberspace for mirrorless camera reviews, specs on the latest DSLRs and the portability of rigs isn't the best use of your time as a filmmaker.

That's why we've compiled a photographic camera guide of the best video cameras 2019 has to offer.

To make things even easier, this photographic camera buying guide caps the price at $half dozen,000, ensuring every professional digital camera on this list is upkeep-friendly for all levels of independent filmmakers.

Let'south swoop in!

  1. Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro
  2. Catechism EOS C200B
  3. Catechism EOS C100 Marking 2
  4. Blackmagic Pocket CC
  5. Panasonic HC-X1
  6. Sony PXW-FS5
  7. Panasonic Lumic GH5s

Best Photographic camera FOR VIDEO

ane.  Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro

Quite possibly the best digital camera for multi-functionality on the market, the Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro has Swiss Ground forces knife-like versatility when it comes to video production.

Simply expect at the Blackmagic URSA Mini design

Whether you're shooting a documentary, news broadcast or feature film, the URSA Mini Pro provides a Super 35mm CMOS sensor with 4.6K resolution and an interchangeable lens mountain that permit you lot to rapidly switch between EF, PL, B4, and F mount lenses.

Excited still? We are too. I mean, wait at this beaut.


Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro

If you can swing it, the Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro gives you options beyond what you'll need today and provides several types of cameras jammed into 1 beautifully designed device.

Toll: $five,995


2.  Canon EOS C200B

Canon's EOS C200B is a lightweight, streamlined, highly customizable camera. It's made severalBest Video Cameras lists and with good reason.

Have a look at this video that covers the in's and out'south of the C200B:

Canon EOS C200B video review​

It sends RAW 4K footage to a CFast 2.0 card without losing the amazing details its Super 35mm CMOS sensor and thirteen stops of dynamic range can capture. It also allows you to rock whatever Canon EF-mount lens y'all choose, meaning the shot that you want is never unattainable.


Catechism EOS C200B

Plus, if your shot list calls for an aeriform vantage, you tin can easily attach the EOS C200B's 2.9 lb. torso to a drone and capture breathtaking images without worrying near pull.

If y'all're shooting with multiple Canon cameras on your shoot, it's of import to specify this on your shot list.

Simply beginning past going to StudioBinder's Shot List, and so enable the Camera cavalcade and type out what camera you'll be using for a specific shot.

It should look something like this:

Check out what StudioBinder's Shot Listing looks similar​

Yous can too customize other details of your shot listing and even include paradigm examples.

Now, while the C200B is the nearly expensive photographic camera on our list, the Canon EOS C200B is worth considering for indie filmmakers searching for a compact professional person digital photographic camera that can thrive where the big boys fail.

COST: $5,999


3.  Canon EOS C100 Mark II

Sure, there are newer Canon models out there, but the EOS C100 Mark Two still earns its spot on our list past offer a fantastic Super 35mm CMOS sensor and a design that lends itself perfectly to single-person apply.

If you're on the argue with this camera, have a expect at Phil Ebiner discussing the pros, cons and benefits of the Canon EOS C100 Mark II:

Canon EOS C100 Mark 2 review

If you lot used the C100 Mark Ii's predecessor, yous'll instantly notice the redesigned, lightweight body that makes this iteration a welcome footstep forward for Catechism. Toss in the included built-in ND-filters, internal microphone, and upgraded image processor and you've got a force to be reckoned with at a price that speaks the language of indie filmmakers.


Canon EOS C100 Marking II

Slap on whatever of Canon'southward outstanding lenses, including its CN-E picture palace lenses, and tackle your film scheduling software with the confidence of knowing you've got a professional digital camera that volition get the job done.

Cost: $3,499

Best Camera FOR VIDEO

4.  Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

Size matters in independent filmmaking; you want a professional digital camera that packs a lot of power into a tiny space. Enter the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera. This bite-sized beast packs a punch with a 4/3 size sensor, thirteen stops of dynamic range and dual native ISO upwardly to 25,600.

What does all that mean? It means yous'll get mind-bravado 4K footage on a camera that literally fits into your jeans pocket.

Just look at this photographic camera test and tell me you're non convinced.

Cinematic footage from the Blackmagic Poocket Picture palace Camera

As always, Blackmagic doesn't skimp when it comes to easy-to-navigate external controls and additional features such every bit the Pocket Cinema Camera's built-in microphone, mini XLR input, MFT lens mount and more. And much like its big blood brother, the URSA Mini Pro, the Pocket records onto CFast 2.0 and UHS-II SD cards, as well as standard SD cards.


Black Magic Movie theatre Photographic camera

The but reason the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera isn't college on this listing is that it's still new to the market. The latest model dropped in September 2018 and hasn't seen the miles many of the other entries in this commodity accept. That said, with its low price signal and amazing features, Blackmagic may have a game-changer on its hands.

COST: $one,295


5.  Panasonic HC-X1

Allow's outset with the obvious, when y'all're looking for the best photographic camera for video, odds are a production that doesn't offering interchangeable lenses might seem like it wouldn't brand a camera buying guide such every bit ours. Nosotros get it. Just consider the Panasonic HC-X1 an exception to expectation. With its advanced OIS, loftier-precision 4K ane.0-inch MOS sensor and dual codec recording, information technology more earns its rank.

For a deeper dive review on the Panasonic HC-X1, take a look below:

A hands-on review with the Panasonic HC-X1​

Not to mention its Leica Dicomar 4K lens with 24mm wide-angle setting and 20x optical zoom means you can get out the heavy lens kits behind without worrying almost missing that perfect shot.


Panasonic HC-X1

If you lot're after an all-in-one that you lot can shoot with out of the box, the Panasonic HC-X1 might be the best digital camera for you lot.

Price: $ii,697.99

All-time Camera FOR VIDEO

half dozen.  Sony PXW-FS5

Certain, we all know the FS7, but what nigh its petty brother? The PXW-FS5 is a capable workhorse that gets the job done with a 4K Super 35mm CMOS sensor that captures 10-bit video at up to 50Mbps.

Simply put, the PXW-FS5 is arguably the best digital camera for the money in Sony'south lineup.

Earlier continuing, just accept a look at the FS5 in action:

Extremely cinematic footage from the FS5​

This becomes even more axiomatic when yous examine the FS5'south one.77 lb. body, meaning it's ready for the kind of grab and go shooting that's common with documentary and independent filmmaking.


Sony PXW-FS5

Add together to that an extremely versatile mounting system, wi-fi and dual SD carte slots and yous've got yourself a true competitor in the Sony PXW-FS5.

COST: $3,498


7.  Panasonic Lumix GH5s

If you've read any mirrorless camera reviews, you've meet the Lumix GH5s – and rightly so. While the GH5 provided great paradigm stabilization and an entry-level price point, the GH5s ratchets things up and establishes itself equally quite perchance the all-time mirrorless photographic camera on the market.

Take a look at this field examination to give you lot an idea of the footage quality with the GH5s:

Easily-on field test with the Lumix GH5s

 It produces a large-sensor 4K video with a wider field of view than its predecessor and captures amazing footage in low low-cal situations. While not technically a cinema camera, the Lumix GH5s allows for both stunning stills and inspiring videos to be taken with the same piece of video equipment. And the dual UHS-Ii SD menu slots mean you can continuously record long into the dark.


Panasonic Lumix GH5s is the perfect holiday gift

Though non baring quite the aforementioned tech specs as other types of cameras on our list, the Panasonic Lumix GH5s is a solid choice for any contained filmmaker looking to produce high-quality, HDR video with an piece of cake-to-larn camera that won't intermission the banking concern.

COST: $2,297.99

All-time VIDEO Photographic camera [HONORABLE MENTION]

FiLMiC Pro

As all filmmakers know, information technology never hurts to surprise your audience with a twist. That'southward why we're using the eighth spot on our listing to talk most FiLMiC Pro, the app that was used to shoot the award-winning 2015 offense drama Tangerine. At less than $15, it's a low-toll manner to take control of your phone's camera and produce fantastic footage.


FiLMiC Pro

FiLMiC Pro puts you in charge of the focus, exposure, white balance and more, enabling you to capture 4K or 1080p video that doesn't autumn apart when compared to the other types of cameras on our list. You can even trim your video directly in the app and back it up straight to Dropbox, Vimeo or iMovie.

COST: $14.99

Upwards Adjacent

The Best Mirrorless Cameras for Filmmaking

Choosing the correct camera is one of the nigh important decisions for any filmmaker. That's because your photographic camera can be a considerable fiscal investment, and dictates the kind of content you lot're able to create.

Check out our blog post on The Best Mirrorless Cameras For Filmmakers, where we requite you a listing of the top cameras in their class.



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